Tour Code : EN-007

St. Paul's Missionary Journey in Turkey & Greece - 18 Days/17 Nights

Arrive at Istanbul Airport and meet with the transfer assistant, then transfer to your Istanbul hotel. After a short rest, you can discover Istanbul in your free time. Overnight stay in Istanbul.

After breakfast, you will meet your tour guide and start your Istanbul tour at 08.45 am. 
 ** First, we visit the Topkapı Palace which was home to many Ottoman sultans (15th-19th century AD). Here, you will see the legacy of the Ottoman sultans which includes the Imperial Treasury, gold objects, the famous Spoonmaker’s Diamond, swords, vases, clothes of the sultans, and war tools decorated with precious stones and diamonds. (Harem and treasure section are optional due to extra entry fee).
** Afterwards, we will visit the Hagia Sofia (Saint Sophia) which was built by the emperor Justinian in the 6th century A.D. as a church and was later converted into a mosque. You will see beautiful mosaics and frescos depicting Christian icons and the Byzantine Emperors. Later, we take a lunch break in a local restaurant. 
** After lunch, we will visit the legendary Blue Mosque, also known as the Sultanahmet Mosque, featuring six beautiful minarets. Built-in the 17th century, it takes its name from more than 20,000 blue Iznik tiles used for its interior decoration. 
** We will stroll the historical Hippodrome Square, which was used as a meeting place and for chariot races during the Byzantine period. Here, we will see the Serpent Column brought from Delphi, the Egyptian Obelisk, and the German Fountain of Wilhelm ll. 
** Our, next stop is Basilica Cistern, a large underground water reservoir built for the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I (527-565). The cistern is 140 m long and 70 m wide and contains 336 columns, each 9 meters high with a water storage capacity of 100,000 tons. The two colossal Medusa heads made of marble, used as a support under the two columns of the cistern, were taken from another Roman-era building. 
** Finally, we will visit the Grand Bazaar, which has more than 3600 shops full of hidden treasures and authentic items.
*Note that the Grand Bazaar is closed on Sundays and the Topkapı Palace is closed on Tuesdays. (All sights (except for Grand Bazaar) that are closed on the day of the visit will be replaced with a visit to the Basilica Cistern (Yerebatan Sarnıcı).  
End of the tour and return to your hotel. Overnight in Istanbul. ( Breakfast - Lunch )

After breakfast, we leave our hotel and head towards the Golden Horn at 08:40 am. You will see Istanbul’s Byzantine City Walls built during the 5th century by Emperor Theodosius, stretching 8 km along the Golden Horn. 
** First, we visit the Kariye Museum (Chora Church) built in 530 by the Byzantine emperor Justinian. It features mosaics and frescoes that are very well-preserved and of great artistic value as they offer some of the best examples of Late Byzantine period art from the 14th century. Chora Church was originally built on the site of a small chapel that stood for 500 years. Although it was damaged several times throughout its existence, Chora is still one of the most important monuments in Istanbul today.
** Tekfur Palace is also known as Palace of the Porphyrogenitus (Palatium Constantini). It was used as part of the Imperial palace complex during the Byzantine period. Tekfur Palace's construction date is unknown. It was in ruins for a long time and was turned into a museum with renovations in 1955 - 1970 and 2010. 
Then, we will visit the Saint George's Church and Fener Roman Patriarchal which is the seat of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople bears the title of "Primus inter Pares" that is (First of the Equals) and he is regarded as the representative and religious leader of 300 million Orthodox Christians worldwide. Istanbul Fener Greek Patriarchate gained all its current freedoms and rights with the decree of Mehmed the Conqueror in 1453. His Edict regarding the church says: “No one should bully and oppress the Patriarch and the clergy, no one should be attracted to him, no matter who he is, if he and the priests in his entourage are exempt from all kinds of services forever, their churches will not be converted into mosques. Marriage and burial works, other acts and works will be done as before according to the Greek Church and customs.” 
Afterward, we will visit St. Stephen Church, also known as the Bulgarian Iron Church. Dubbed as the most metal church of all time, it was built in the late 19th century. It was neglected and out of use for a long time but was restored by the Turkish Government in 2015 and reopened for worship.
Lunch break at a selected local restaurant.
Then, we will be boarding a Bosphorus Cruise for a short and relaxing trip along the Bosporus Strait, which separates Europe and Asia and connects the Black Sea with the inland Marmara Sea. Some of the important landmarks you’ll see on this trip are the Dolmabahçe Palace, Çırağan Palace, Ortaköy Mosque, Kuleli Military School, Beylerbeyi Palace, Rumeli Fortress, beautiful historic wooden mansions as well as the Maiden Tower on the sea. 
End of the tour, transfer to your hotel. Dinner and an overnight in Istanbul hotel. ( Breakfast )

Domestic flight from Istanbul to Antakya. Antakya (Antioch), an important center of early Christianity. This is the place where the followers of Jesus Christ were first called Christians (Acts 11; 26). We will have lunch after our arrival.
Then, we will visit the Antakya Mosaic Museum, which is the second largest collection of classical and Roman mosaics in the world. Afterward, we will visit one of Christianity’s oldest churches, the Church of Saint Pierre. This church is a cave carved into the side of Mount Starius where the first Christians of Asia Minor worshipped. Saint Peter was the person to build this church in Antakya and along with St. Paul and Barnabas, he used Antioch as a center to spread Christianity. Thus, the church, grew in a short time, becoming the third important Episcopacy after Jerusalem and Rome. 
At the end of our visit, we will check- into our hotel. Dinner and overnight in Antakya. ( Breakfast - Dinner )

We will have a delicious breakfast before starting the day and setting off for Konya. First, we will see Selucia Pieria, the ancient port of Antioch from which the Apostle Paul and Barnabas embarked on their first missionary journey as chronicled by Acts (Acts:13:4). Afterward, we will drive to Tarsus.  One of the 12 apostles of Jesus, Paul was born in Tarsus. According to Acts, Paul was born as “Saul of Tarsus”, but was brought up in Jerusalem and became “Paul the Apostle” after his encounter with Christ (Acts 9:11; 21:39; 22:3).  We will visit the Well of St. Paul and the Gate of Cleopatra. Once the capital of the province of Cilicia, Tarsus was also the site where Mark Antony and Cleopatra first met. At the end of our tour, we will head for Konya. 
Check-in and overnight in Konya. ( Breakfast - Dinner )

After breakfast, our tour of Konya starts. Konya, known as Iconium during antiquity, was visited a lot by Paul the Apostle and Barnabas as a part of their missionary efforts preaching the Gospel. According to Acts, they spoke boldly for the Lord, who confirmed the message of his grace enabling them to perform miracles (Acts 14:1-3). Afterward, we’ll visit the Mevlana Museum, which houses the tomb of the great 13th-century Persian poet and founder of the Order of the Whirling Dervishes, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Balkhi. Popularly known as Rumi in Western countries, meaning “Roman” in Arabic, his followers and Muslims like to call him “Mevlana”, meaning “our master”. We will then end our day at the Karatay Museum. This former madrasah, or place of learning, was founded in 1251 by the Seljuk Emir Celaleddin Karatay as an institution for Islamic studies. However, the building is now a museum showcasing the most beautiful examples of Seljuk tile work. After our visit, we will give a lunch break at a local restaurant. 
Afterward, we depart from Konya to Yalvaç (Antioch in Pisidia), an ancient city that was once a major Roman colony that Paul the Apostle visited on his First Missionary Journey with Barnabas.
This city marked an important turning point in Paul’s ministry, as it became the first place to have a fully Gentile Christian community.  You will visit the remains of the Church of Saint Paul. This church was built on the location of the synagogue that Paul preached in (Acts 13:14-52). 
Here we will tour the archeological site and visit the Yalvaç Archaeological Museum to see a display of many of the unearthed artifacts from the region. 
Afterward, we will continue on our way to Antalya, Turkey’s famous and modern touristic resort city, and largest international sea resort on the beautiful Mediterranean coast.
Arrival and overnight  in Antalya ( Breakfast - Dinner )

We start our tour with the sights of Antalya, which has hosted tens of civilizations for thousands of years with its mild Mediterranean climate, beautiful sea, and magnificent geography. Saint Paul set sail from Antalya on his first missionary journey. After his return to Antakya, he set out from Antalya again around 48 A.D. 
We will be visiting the archeological site of Perge, a chief city of Pamphylia that was visited twice by Paul the Apostle and his companion St. Barnabas (Acts 13:13–14 and 14:25). Saint Paul, Barnabas, and his cousin John Mark came to Perge on their first missionary journey in A.D. 47 or 48 and served as missionaries. (Acts 13:13, 14:25). Here, we will explore Perge’s extensive ruins, including a well-preserved theatre, the Agora, Roman baths, a colonnaded street, a great gymnasium, the necropolis, memorial fountain, and the Greek and Roman gates.
Then, we will be off to the ancient Greco-Roman city of Aspendos to see the well-preserved theatre of antiquity, the Aspendos Theater. Today, concerts and art events are still organized in this magnificent theater.
Here, we will also see the ruins of a basilica, agora, Roman aqueduct, and the Roman Eurymedon Bridge. Afterward, we will visit Düden Waterfalls, which is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the region.
You will have lunch at a local restaurant.  visit Antalya’s Old Town (Kaleiçi) where you can see the ancient Hadrian’s Gate with its three doors, one of the most beautiful structures of the Roman period.
Antalya’s Old Town (Kaleiçi) where you can see the ancient Hadrian’s Gate with its three doors, one of the most beautiful structures of the Roman period.  Antalya Clock Tower and the Fluted Minaret
End of the tour, return to our hotel. Dinner and overnight  in Antalya. ( Breakfast - Dinner )

We depart for Pamukkale (240 km) early in the morning. On the way, we will visit the holy land of Colossae, which used to be a city of the Roman province of Asia, located near Honaz today. It holds an important place in Christian history as Saint Paul’s Epistle to the Colossians was addressed to a church here. This letter is estimated to be written in around 60 or 65 A.D.
It is possible that St. Paul was living in Ephesus when he sent the letter to Colossae (Acts 19:10). Paul had not visited Colossae when he wrote his epistle, and it is likely the gospel was preached through Paul’s companion, Epaphras, who was from Colossae (Col. 1:7; 4:12-13). Members of the early Colossian church included Philemon and his slave Onesimus (Col. 4:9; Philem. 10, 23). 
After our visit to Colossae, we will visit the ancient Laodicea (present name Denizli) yet another of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor [Rev. 1:11; 3:14; Col. 2:1; 4:13 - 16].  Laodicea thrived as a major center of worship for the pagan goddess Aphrodite for about 500 years after Christ. The Christians of Laodicea, one of the Seven Churches, (Rev. 3: 14-22) were chastised for being lukewarm, "You are neither cold nor hot" (Rev. 3: 15), and for being too comfortable incorporating pagan and Christian beliefs. In the famous scripture from Revelation (3: 20-21), Jesus says to the Laodicean church: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock..."
Today, excavations continue in Laodicea uncovering an ancient city as beautiful as Ephesus with ancient theaters, marble paths lined with columns, basilica ruins, antique stone water pipes, temples, agora, and monumental fountains. 
After our arrival to Pamukkale city, we will have lunch and head for Hierapolis right away. Here, we will visit the Martyrium of the Apostle Philip where he was martyred during the persecutions ordered by Domitian. We will see the Gate of Domitian, the Arcadian Street, the ancient 2nd century Roman Theater, the Nymphaion, the Temple of Apollo, the Plutonium, and the Necropolis.
We will pass through the Roman Gate, admire the ancient Pamukkale Theater, walk around the grave monuments built to honor heroes. Each tomb is a small work of art telling a different story. We will finish our day with a relaxing walk on the travertine terraces, which were created by flowing hot thermal waters releasing carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into the air, leaving behind the white-colored calcium carbonate. 
End of the tour. Overnight in a Thermal Hotel in Pamukkale. ( Breakfast - Dinner )

After breakfast in our hotel, we will continue our journey to Philadelphia (approx. 240 km) nowadays called Alaşehir, another church of the Seven Churches of Asia [Rev. 1:11; 3:7], and the only church that wasn’t censored. There, we see the remains of a Byzantine basilica built of brick, with a bit of high arch and some 11th-century frescoes.  And we continue to Salihli city (Sardis). This was the capital of the ancient Lydian kingdom of the 6th century BC, portrayed as a dying church. We will visit the great Temple of Artemis and the Temple of Cybele, which was turned into a Byzantine Church. We will also visit the restored Sardis Gymnasium and reconstructed Synagogue. After our visit, we will have lunch at a local restaurant. 
* Arrival to Izmir and visit to the ruins of ancient Smyrna, one of the Seven Churches that the Apostle John relays the promise from God: “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life” (Rev 2:10). 
* Smyrna is the second city of the Seven Churches of Book of Revelation to receive the message from St. John (Rev. 1:11;2:8). We will observe the remains of a basilica and architectural works from the Roman period. 
Afterward, we will visit the oldest church of Izmir, the Saint Polycarp Church, which was the bishop of Smyrna and a student of St. John, who was martyred here in the 2nd century. 
Here, we will see what remains of the Agora, the ancient marketplace that was built in the 4th century B.C. End of the tour. You may enjoy Kordonboyu and some İzmir sights and streets during the night. 
Overnight stay in Izmir. ( Breakfast - Dinner )

Today our tour starts in Ephesus 80 km from Izmir. Church of Ephesus is the most important of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor. It is thought that the Gospel of John was written here. Moreover, Apostle Paul preached to the Ephesians and lived here for three years. Church of Ephesus also received an epistle from Saint Paul. 
We will tour the spectacular ruins where excavations continue in this once great and important city, which was founded in the 10th century BC. We will walk through history, along the marble streets lined with wonderful public buildings, including the Baths of Scholastica, the Library of Celsus, the Temple of Hadrian, and the Grand Theatre with a capacity of 25,000. 
Lunch at a selected local restaurant. Afterward, we will visit the Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the Basilica of St. John
Afterward, we’ll be visiting the House of the Virgin Mary, a small modest stone house located in the forest on the side of a mountain 9 km from Ephesus. It is visited by Christian pilgrims from all over the world. St. John brought her to Ephesus, following the advice that Jesus Christ gave to his mother. (John 19:27) 
At the end of the tour, we will be watching the special demonstrations in Turkish Delight and Leather Wear Factory stores in the region, and have free time after. Accommodation at our hotel in Kuşadası or Izmir. ( Breakfast - dinner )

After breakfast, we will depart for Akhisar (approx. 180 km). Upon our arrival, we will be visiting the Church of Thyatira, now called Akhisar, another one of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor [Rev. 1:11; 2:18 - 24; Acts 16:14]. Paul's sermons in the Philippi city of Macedonia mention Akhisar (Thyatira) and the church here. He describes Thyatira as the hometown of a wealthy purple dye merchant named Lydia, who worshiped God. (Acts 16:14)
We continue on our way to Bergama (Pergamon) (approx. 90 km) and have lunch at a local restaurant. Ancient Pergamon one of the most powerful cities in the ancient world rose to prominence following the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC and eventually came under Roman control in 133 BC. Although the city benefited from immense wealth, in the Book of Revelations, the risen Christ instructs John to convey the message that the people of Pergamon, the site of “Satan’s Throne”, needed to repent (Rev 2:13-16). Temples in Acrapol were the worship centers of Dionysus, Zeus, and other pagan gods, and the first Christians were executed here by the Romans. For this reason, it is defined as "The Seat of Satan" (Revelation 2: 12-16). 
Next, we’ll visit the Asklepion, the famous medical center of antiquity, and the Red Basilica. Acropolis, which sits atop a 1000-foot windswept mountain, offers a view of the neighboring modern towns, the azure waters of the Aegean, and the ruins of Pergamon that cascade down from the ancient city center. Here, we will explore the Temple of Trajan, the Temple of Athena, and the Altar of Zeus, which was once among the grandest monuments of the ancient world. The Great Theatre of Pergamon is among the steepest of its kind and an acoustic phenomenon, it could entertain up to 10,000 spectators, nearby are the remains of the famous Library of Pergamon. 
Afterward, we will drive to Assos or Ayvalık for the night. Dinner and overnight in Ayvalık. ( Breakfast - Dinner )

After breakfast, we will visit ancient Assos. Assos is one of the important settlements of Antiquity that was founded in the Bronze Age (3000-1200 BC) on the slopes of a volcano, in the Edremit Bay, and across the Lesbos Island. Situated on a hill, the Athena Temple offers a magnificent view with its mystical atmosphere. On the last leg of his third missionary journey, Saint Paul walked from Alexandria Troas to Assos (Acts 20:5-6, 13-14), where he met his companions, who had gone ahead of him by sea.
Afterward, we continue our visits to another ancient city, Alexandria Troas located in the city of Çanakkale. It was founded in the late 4th century by Antigonos under the name Antigone. The people of the cities of Gargara, Hamaksitos, Neandria, Kolonai, Larisa, Kebren, and Skepsis were settled here. Herodes Atticus Bath, which is known as Maldelik, is remarkable with its size. There is also a large gymnasium complex to the west of the bath.
Alexandria Troas was mentioned several times in the Bible. It is an important site for the history of Christianity, as Saint Paul spent some time in Troas during his second missionary journey during which he went to Macedonia (Acts 16.9). Also, Saint Luke joined Paul in Troas and accompanied him in the rest of his mission. On his third missionary journey, Saint Paul had a long preach at Alexandria Troas (Acts 20:6 - 10). There are other biblical references to Troas in 2 Cor 2:12 and 2 Tim 4:13. Alexandria Troas remains a titular see of the Roman Catholic Church. 
Our next stop is Troia, also known as Troy. We will visit the real-life location of the legendary Trojan War described in Homer's Iliad. This was where the Trojan Horse” was used to conquer the city and the beautiful “Helen of Troy” lived.
End of the tour, transfer to our hotel in Çanakkale. Dinner and overnight  in Canakkale hotel. ( Breakfast - Dinner )

After breakfast in Çanakkale, we will cross the Dardanelles and continue on our way to the Greece border (approx. 345 km) to cross the Ipsala Customs Station and arrive at Kipou on the Greek side.
After customs formalities, we will head to Kavala, which is known as the ancient city of Neapolis (Acts 16:11). Paul came to Kavala with his disciples Silas and Timothy. Also, Luke, the Evangelist came to Kavala from Troas.  Since Kavala was the first European city to adopt Christianity, it took the name Hristoupolis. We will see the Roman Aqueduct and the ruins of the Acropolis.  Dinner and overnight in Kavala. ( Breakfast - Dinner )

After breakfast at our hotel, we will visit Philippi, where Saint Paul gave his first sermon in Greece and sowed the seeds of Christianity. He says in the revelation, “We stayed in this city for some days…”(Acts 16: 12-18). He arrived in Philippi with Luke, Timothy, and Silas in 49 AD or 50 AD, and performed the first Christian baptism hereof with a woman named Lydia. 
They were arrested by the Romans and escaped from prison with God's help. (Acts 16:23 -26) We will see the Roman Theater, where Paul and Silas were imprisoned. Then we will head towards Thessaloniki, also known as Thessalonica. Here, we will see the Arch of Galerius and Rotunda, decorated with early Christian mosaics. It was initially built as a mausoleum by the Romans and was converted into a church and later, into a mosque. 
End of the day. Dinner and overnight stay in Thessaloniki hotel. ( Breakfast - Dinner )

Breakfast and city tour in Thessaloniki, where Paul preached the gospel on his second and third missionary journeys. He wrote letters known as "The First and Second Epistles to the Thessalonians" for the first Christians of this city. Here we will see the White Tower, the symbol of Thessaloniki, the Church of Saint Demetrius, St. Sofia Church, and the Byzantine castle. Afterward, we will have lunch at a local restaurant and head for Vergina, the legendary burial place of Macedonian Kings. The tomb of King Philip II, and the father of Alexander the Great, who had a great contribution to the development of Hellenism on the Greek lands, is located here. 
Our next place to visit is Veria (Berea), visited by Paul (Acts 17.10-14). On his visit to Veria town in AD 50, St. Paul encountered a more "noble" Jewish community. Here, he also met his friend Sopatros on his return trip to Asia from his missionary trip, with whom he traveled together for a long time. 
During our trip, we will visit the ancient synagogue where Saint Paul preached. 
Finally, we will head for Kalambaka. Dinner and overnight  in Kalambaka. ( Breakfast - Dinner )

After breakfast in Kalambaka, we will visit the Unesco World Heritage Site Meteora in beautiful mountainous geography. In the 14th century, many Monasteries were built on high, steep, and gigantic rocks in Meteora by monks who sought an isolated place away from oppression and occupation. Here, we will visit some of the famous monasteries from the Middle Ages. We will admire the old manuscripts, icons, colorful original frescoes, and unique mosaics in these churches built on rocks, and get information from the priests in charge. Access to these monasteries, most of which did not have stairs, was provided by a manual system made with a rope and pulley system. 
At the end of our Meteora tour, we will have lunch in a local restaurant and continue on our way to Delphi.
A UNESCO World Heritage Site, ancient Delphi is one of Greece's major archaeological sites. 
We visit the Temple of Apollo, famous for its treasury of the Athenians, the Stoa of Athens, the Argive Kings monument, the Polygonal Wall, the Platea monument, and its Prophecy. Then in the Delphi museum the magnificent Sifnian Treasure frieze, the statue of Antinoos, the metopes of the Athenian treasury, the famous bronze Coachman. Pythian Games, Naxian Sphinx, and many other historical artifacts.
At the end of the Delphi tour, we continue to Athens. (approx. 350 km). Dinner and overnight  in Athens. (Breakfast - Dinner)

We start the day with breakfast at our hotel in Athens and leave for Corinth (approx. 90 km). Here, we will visit ancient Corinthia, known from the two letters of Saint Paul in the New Testament. During his missionary journeys, he founded a church here. We will see the places where Saint Paul preached (Acts 18.1-18) e.g. the Temple of Apollo, Agora, Roman Odeon, Stairs, and public worship places where Paul preached. Paul taught Christianity to the Corinthians in the sermons he gave on his first and second missionary trips here.
Afterward, we will see the Greek port of Cenchrea (Acts 18:18), which Paul used on his second missionary journey, and the ruins of a 5th-century basilica.
We will have lunch and continue with a sightseeing tour to the Golden Age of Pericles. We will see the Acropolis, the ParthenonMar’s Hill, Hadrian’s Arch, the modern Olympic Stadium, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and the Royal Palace. We’ll also visit the Agora located nearby the Acropolis.
Dinner and overnight  in Athens. (Breakfast - Dinner )

After breakfast, transfer to the Athens Airport for your onward flight to your country. Our tour concludes here and we hope to see you on another tour.  ( Breakfast ) 
Hope to see you on another Turkey tour.

Customized Tours
We can create a tour program on your request and offer an itinerary that suits your personal, educational, cultural, and budgetary requirements. Please contact us with your requests.

Price Period Package Per person in
Single Room Extra Bed Children Fee
0.00 0.00 0.00
Price includes

Transfers - Istanbul Airport –  Hotel – Istanbul Airport / 2 ways

Transfer Hatay Airport – Hotel one way

Transfer - Athens Hotel to Athens Airport

 Domestic flight from Istanbul to Antakya (Economy Class)

17-night hotel accommodation with daily breakfast

12 nights in Turkey hotel “accommodation

5 nights in Greece hotel accommodations

17 dinners

Entrance fees as per the itinerary

Professional and educated tour guide.

Non-smoking A.C. vehicle with experienced driver.

All parking, highway, bridge fees 

All tours in the program

VAT and city taxes.

Price Excludes

Personal expenses

Visas and other payments required in Greek customs

Beverages during lunch and dinners

Travel insurance (highly recommended)

Meals other than specified

Hotel minibar and other expenses

Optional tours

Tips for the guide and the driver (per person per day 8 USD Cash payment made on arrival day.

Cancellation Policy  

- For cancellations made 30 days before the tour, 100% refund. ( Except for the % 15 Service Charge, Flight ticket, mandatory expenses, and Bank Commission,)
- For cancellations made 29 - 15 days before the tour, 50% refund. (Except for the Bank Commission, and mandatory expenses )
- For cancellations made 14 – 11 days before the tour, 30% refund.
- No refunds will be made on reservations made 10 days before the tour. %100 Penalty is applied.

- Travel health insurance is mandatory.
- Sample hotels are confirmed on the date of booking in case of availability. Otherwise,
  similar hotels are booked.  
- In the event of bad weather, time scarcity, traffic jams, and similar situations, the Guide may make changes to the tour program. 
- The locations given in the itinerary can be changed with other places if they are closed.  
- During the tours, you will be walking approximately 2 km every day on uneven and
   cobblestone surfaces, inclines, and steps. 
- You must wear comfortable clothing, flat walking shoes, a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen. in summer months and raincoats, warm clothes, winter walking shoes, umbrella, etc. in winter.  
- The order of the sites visited may change to avoid crowds.  
- You will need your passport at check-in for all domestic flights.
- Domestic flights are economy class. Luggage limit 15 Kg.

GOLD Package Turkey Hotels (12 Nights)

Istanbul (3)         - Sheraton City Center 5*
Antakya (1)         - The Museum Hotel 5*
Konya (1)            - Dedeman Konya 5*
Antalya (2)          - Porto Bello 5*
Pamukkale (1)   - Richmond 5*
Izmir (1)             - Movenpick 5*
Kusadasi (1)        - Lavista Boutique
Ayvalik (1)           - Grand Temizel 5*
Canakkale (1)     - Kolin Hotel 5*

GOLD Package  Greece Hotels (5 Nights)
Kavala (1)          - Lucy Hotel 5*
Thessaloniki (1) - Holiday Inn 5*
Kalambaka (1)   - Hotel Diavani Meteora 5*
Athens  (2)        - Wyndham Grand Athens 5*
                                  * *

STANDARD Package Turkey Hotels (12 Nights)
Istanbul (3)         - Sögüt Hotel 4 *
Antakya (1)         - Bogazici Hotel 4*
Konya (1)            - Balikcilar Hotel 4*
Antalya (2)          - Affloon Hotel 4*
Pamukkale (1)   - Ninova Thermal 4*
Izmir (1)             - Ontur otel izmir 4*
Kusadasi (1)        - Derici Hotel 4*
Ayvalik (1)           - Musho Hotel 4*
Canakkale (1)     - Buyuk Truva Hotel 4*

STANDARD  Package Greece Hotels (5 Nights)
Kavala (1)          - Galaxy Hotel 4*
Thessaloniki (1) - The Tobacco Hotel 4*
Kalambaka (1)   - Amalia Meteora 5*
Athens  (2)          - Athenaeum Grand  4*

** Sample hotels are confirmed on the reservation date in case of availability. Otherwise, similar hotels are booked.
* In case of bad weather, time shortages, traffic jams, and similar situations, the guide may mke changes to the tour program.
** You will have lunch at local restaurants during the tour. Dinner will be served at the hotels.

Hagia Sophia
Blue Mosque
Hagia Irene Church - It is the first church built in Constantinople before Hagia Sophia, located in the garden of Topkapi Palace in Istanbul.
Basilica Cistern
Grand Bazaar
Chora Church
Ecumenical Patriarchate
Tekfur Palace
Dolmabahce Palace
Saint Peter
Church of Saint Pierre
Saul of Tarsus
Well of St. Paul
Mevlana Museum
Aspendos Theater
Hadrian's Gate
Duden Waterfall
Apostal Philip
Virgin Mary House
Pergamon Acrapol
Red Basilica
Alexandria Troas
White Tower
The Tomb of King Philip II

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Tour Code
Tour Name
St. Paul's Missionary Journey in Turkey & Greece - 18 Days/17 Nights
Departure Point
Istanbul - Turkey
Start Date
End Date
Number of Rooms
  • Tour Code : EN-007
  • Duration : 18 Days
  • Start : Istanbul - Turkey
  • End : Athens - Yunanistan
  • Tour Season : 1 April - 15 November
  • Transfer : Vehicle and Aircraft
  • Distance : 4.100 Km
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